PIRSA was established in 1999. The recreational institutitons in the state of Pennsylvania, through the NIRSA office, established a State Organization. In order to maintain PIRSA as a state organization, we must operate under a written, acceped set of by-laws and we must have a minimum of 50% of our membership hold a NIRSA membership. Since 1999, our membership has gradually increased each year. Currently, we have 38 professional members and 10 student members
Constitution for Pennsylvania Intramural-Recreational
Sports Association
Article I Name
The organization will be called the Pennsylvania Intramural-Recreational Sports Association (PIRSA).
Article II Purpose
The purpose of this association shall be to promote and enhance the quality of recreational sports programs in various settings throughout the state by means of professional meetings, publications, dissemination of ideas and maintenance of policies consistent with the philosophy of the National Intramural-Recreations Sports Association (NIRSA).
Article III Professional
Section 1 Membership shall be available to any individual regardless of professional affiliation involved in or interested in any aspect of recreational sports. Members are entitled to all rights and privileges of the association.
Section 2 Student membership shall be available to graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in any aspect of recreational sports. Student members shall receive all newsletters, shall be entitled to attend meetings and may hold appointed positions on committees. Student members shall not be eligible to vote on official business at any state business meeting nor can they hold elective offices in the association.
Article IV Structure
Section 1 The association shall be a state organizations and a state association member with the NIRSA. The association shall meet the following criteria to maintain state association membership with the NIRSA.
A. Consistency of purpose with NIRSA (as indicated in the associations constitution and by-laws).
B. A minimum of 55% of the associations professional members must also hold professional memberships in NIRSA.
C. Each elected officer in the association must hold membership in NIRSA.
D. Continuing proof of the tax exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service.
E. When requested by the NIRSA Executive Committee, provide appropriate materials for periodic review to assure that the NIRSA intended purposes being maintained.
F. The State Directors term of office must coincide with the respective Regional-Vice-President of the NIRSA.
Section 2 There may be indirect affiliation with the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, the National Recreation and Parks Association, or other state and/or national organizations.
Section 3 An Executive Committee shall be formed to serve the membership in conducting the business of the association.
Article V Officers
There will be two types of officers, professional elected and appointed.
Section 1 The association will have a director, assistant director and secretary/treasurer. All such officers must be NIRSA members and affiliated with an institution/agency within the state.
Section 2 The state directors term of office must coincide with the term of the respective Regional Vice President of the NIRSA.
Section 3 The appointed offices shall be the past workshop coordinator, workshop coordinator and student representative. The terms of these appointments shall be for one year. The past state director will serve as historian on the Executive Committee and will assist with the transition for the new director
Section 4 The management of the association shall be entrusted to the Executive Committee which shall consist of the director, assistant director, secretary/treasurer, past workshop coordinator, workshop coordinator and student representative. The Director will nominate three (3) regiuonal chairs (East, West & Central) to assist with membership recruitment.
Section 5 The duties shall consist of:
Director: Shall preside at all meetings, enforce bylaws and regulations of the association and shall carry out the will of the members. The director shall appoint all committees, the student representative and the state workshop coordinator.
The director shall be responsible for the newsletter and work with the executive committee on all financial matters.
Assistant Director: Shall assist in coordination of the state workshop and the newsletter. Shall assume duties of the director in his/her absence and in the event of an unexpired term being vacated by the director. In the event the assistant position becomes vacant during the first year because of officer succession to the directors position. A replacement for the assistant shall be elected at the next state business meeting to fill the remainder of the unexpired term.
Secretary/Treasurer: Shall keep minutes of all meetings and maintain an updated mailing list of all members. Shall maintain all financial transactions and records. Shall assume the duties of the assistant director in his/her absence and shall succeed in the position of director in the event that an unexpired term cannot be completed by the director and/or assistant director. In the event the secretary assumes another officers unexpired term during the first year, a replacement secretary/treasurer shall be elected at the next state business meeting to fill the remainder of the unexpired term. A second year vacancy shall go unfilled.
Past Workshop Coordinator: Shall serve as an advisor/consultant in the operation of the association and the conduction of the annual state workshop.
Workshop Coordinator: Shall be responsible for the planning and conducting of the annual state workshop.
Student Representative: Shall provide student oriented information for the newsletter and conduct student sessions at the state workshop.
Past President: Shall serve as Historian for PIRSA and assist the new state director.
Regional Chairs shall serve to assist in member recruitment by making the region of PA they serve aware of PIRSA and the benefits of membership
Article VI Meetings
Section 1 Each year a state workshop shall be conducted at which time a state business meeting shall take place. Proposals for date and location of subsequent workshops shall be determined at this meeting.
Section 2 Each year a state business meeting will be conducted at the NIRSA Annual Conference.
Section 3 The association membership, any ten or more members present constitute a quorum. Procedure, as indicated in Roberts Rules of Orders, shall be followed.
Article VII Committees
Section 1 Standing Committees: Standing committees shall be appointed by the director and approved by the membership at the first subsequent state business meeting. The standing committees shall be:
A. Constitution, By-Laws and Operating Code
B. Nominations and Elections
C. Workshop Programming
Section 2 Ad Hoc committees: Ad Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the director as deemed necessary.
Article VIII Fees and Dues
Assessments, registrations and special fees must be approved by the Executive Committee. Dues shall be determined by a majority vote of the association members at either the state workshop business meeting or the NIRSA Annual Conference State business meeting.
Under -By Executive Committeee vote
Over -By majority vote of members at state meeting
Over -By emergency vote 2/3 approval of membership
Historic Funds used for Bill Swan-pre-approved no votes needed
Article IX Amendments and By-Laws
The constitution may be amended at any state business meeting of the association, provided that two thirds of the quorum approve. By-laws may be adopted by a majority vote of the quorum at any state business meeting.
The first student award established by PIRSA is the Bill Swan Award for Dedication to the field of Recreational Sports. Bill Swan served Penn State University Park in recreational sports in some capacity for over 35 years. His dedication to recreation, professional development, student development, and support of Pennsylvania State Workshops was unprecedented. Bill was a motivator to students, a friendly individual who always made time for colleagues and often presented at Regional or State conferences. Bill Swan passed away from cancer at the age of 59 but his memory lives on.
Jay Gallagher Temple University
Natasha McClosky Clarion University
Brandon Weaver IUP
Melissa Odenwelder Drexel University Courtney Panunzio-West Chester University